Υποτροφίες έρευνας 2015 από το Leakey Foundation

Το Leakey Foundation στις ΗΠΑ ανακοίνωσε τη χορήγηση υποτροφιών έρευνας για το 2015.


Advanced doctoral students (advanced to candidacy – all but dissertation) and established scientists are eligible for general research grants. There are no citizenship restrictions. However, all applications must be in English.


The majority of The Leakey Foundation’s Research Grants to doctoral students are in the $3,000-$15,000 range.  Please note:  This number reflects a change from $13,500 to $15,000 for our Fall 2014 cycle.

Larger grants, especially to senior scientists and post-doctoral students, may be funded up to $25,000. Please note:  This number reflects a change from $22,000 to $25,000 for our Fall 2014 cycle. Priority of funding is commonly given to exploratory phases of promising new research projects that meet the stated purpose of the Foundation.

Please consider the below if you are thinking of applying for a General Research Grant:

  • Is my research relevant to human origins and evolution?
  • For Ph.D candidates: Will I be advanced to candidacy (all but dissertation) before the deadline for application?
  • Am I affiliated with an academic or research institution? We do not award funds to individuals.
  • Am I fully compliant on all prior Leakey Foundation awards?

How to Apply

Before you begin please review the Application Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions. To start the process, click on Apply Online.  Please follow the instructions on each page of the application.  At the end of the application you will be asked to upload certain documents.  Specific instructions for these documents as well as templates and other useful information can be found on the Detailed Application Instructions page.

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