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Organizational Unit : United Nations University-International Institute forIntegrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources(UNU-FLORES)
Reference Number : 2011/UNU/FLORES/DIR/48
Applications to : UNU-FLORES Director Selection Committee,c/o Office of the Rector, United Nations University, Headquarters, 53-70, Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo150-8925, Japan.
Fax: +81 3 3499-2828 or email to unufloresdir@unu.edu Allapplications/nominations will be acknowledged.
Closing Date : 31 January 2012

UNU is searching for a founding director for its new institute in Dresden,Germany with the support of the Government of the Germany and theGovernment of the Free State of Saxony. The Institute will carry out research, postgraduate teaching and knowledge sharing on the crucialissues related to the integrated management of material flows andresources management, dealing first and foremost with soil, water andwaste resources.

UNU Mission
The UNU is the academic arm of the United Nations system. Its mission is to contributethrough collaborative research and postgraduate education, dissemination of knowledgeand advisory services, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of humansurvival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, itsPeoples and Member States. The University functions as a think tank for the UnitedNations system and for UN Member States providing knowledge-based policy advice.

UNU-FLORES Objectives
The mission of UNU-FLORES will be to contribute to the development of integrated andsustainable management strategies for the use of water, soil and waste resources inparticular in developing and emerging countries in scientific, educational, managerial,technological and institutional terms. Potential issues of focus include: urban watermanagement, nutrient cycles and budgets, methods for reclamation and rehabilitation of degraded sites, site-specific river-basin scale water management; interaction of land usemanagement and water inventory under differing climate conditions, efficient site-adapted waste management strategies, among others. The Institute will developinnovative concepts for target- and region-specific knowledge transfer as well asappropriate methodologies and approaches for postgraduate and professionaleducation. The Institute will be located in Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany withan expected twin institute component in Maputo, Mozambique.

The Director is the chief academic and administrative officer of UNU-FLORES and hasoverall responsibility for the direction, organization, administration and programmes of the Institute under the direction of the Rector of UNU. The Director’s qualifications should lend to UNU-FLORES the necessary prestige in the international scholarlycommunity; guaranteeing scientific excellence through internal quality control andproviding leadership and guidance for the conduct of UNU-FLORES activities. Thefounding Director will also be responsible for facilitating the establishment of the twininstitute partner in Maputo, Mozambique, and for building up an active collaborationbetween the two locations of UNU-FLORES in research, teaching and knowledge sharing.

Required qualifications
Candidates must have
-a Ph.D. or equivalent in the natural sciences or engineering related to water, soiland/or waste management,
-a previous academic appointment at the level of an associate or full professor orequivalent;
-a strong research background and publications in areas related to the issues of water, soil and/or waste management.
-a proven record of effective leadership and management experience at a seniorlevel in academic or research institutions,
-excellent communication skills;
-the ability to interact with colleagues of diverse cultural backgrounds and withpolitical representatives and communities in both industrialized and developingcountries,
-proven commitment to issues of human development and welfare, and
-fluency in English and at least one other official language of the United Nations.
Applications from suitably qualified women candidates are particularly encouraged.

Approximate net salary (free of tax) of US$ 131,450 (single status)-US$150,350 (withdependants) p.a. including post adjustment, which is subject to change. The post carriesthe standard set of UN entitlements/benefits, including participation in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, the possibility of participation in a health insuranceprogramme, education grant for eligible children, removal expenses and home leave.For more specific information please visit: http://www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/salaries_allowances/index.html . The Rector reserves theright to appoint suitable candidates at a lower category.

Duration of contract:The period of initial contract would be for a four-year term withthe possibility of renewal on a rolling fixed-term appointment basis, subject torequirements and satisfactory work performance. The mandatory retirement age in theUnited Nations is 62.

Starting date:It is expected that the appointee will take up the position by the end of  mid-2012.

Interested applicants are encouraged to apply online and should submit a UnitedNations University Personal History Form (P.11) accessible on the United NationsUniversity website (www.unu.edu/employment) with:
a) mA letter of application
b) Full curriculum vitae (with publications list)
c) A covering letter setting out: (1) what are the motivations for applying forthe post and (2) how the candidate’s qualifications and experience match therequirements of the position.

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