ζητούνται άμεσα από γηροκομεία
στη Βόρεια Γερμανία, περιοχή Ανόβερου.
- Μισθός από 1500€ έως 2000€ το μήνα
- Διαμονή και διατροφή δωρεάν
- Δυνατότητα υπερωρίων με υψηλές αμοιβές
- Δωρεάν αεροπορικά εισιτήρια
- Ετήσια συμβόλαια
- Κάθε βοήθεια στην γραφειοκρατική διαδικασία
Αγγλικά επίπεδο B2, γνώση Γερμανικών επιθυμητή όχι απαραίτητη.
Seeking registered
for retirement houses in Hannover, North Germany.
Job Details
Job Location: Retirement houses in Hannover, North Germany
Work time: 8 hours per day
Benefits: Overtime available at enhanced rates of pay
Professional Experience: Holds a Nursing diploma (trained within the European Union)
Language Skills: Fluent English speaking (B2 minimum requirement)/German will be considered an advantage
Contracts: Yearly contracts under German law
Salary: Between €1,500.00 to €2,000.00 gross per month taxable to German Employment Law
Holidays: Under German law
Uniform: Basic nurse uniform
Benefits: Free food and accommodation is provided, flights paid for
Tasks/ Responsibilities
- Overseeing and maintaining cleanliness of the retirement center
- Focus on maximizing adults functional abilities, as well as promoting, maintaining and restoring their physical and mental health.
- Provide direct and individualized nursing care to older patients based on the application of scientific nursing principles
- Record adults medical information and vital signs
- Assesses the adults ability to do routine daily tasks
- Prepares, administers and records prescribed medications.
- Reports adverse reactions to medications or treatments
- Observe and record old adults behavior
- Assists patients with such basic needs as dressing, eating, and bathing, and encourages patients to do things for themselves to retain feelings of independence and self-esteem
- Recognizes and manages geriatric syndromes common to older adults, including: cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, hematological, musculoskeletal, endocrine, neurological, psychiatric/psychosocial, integumentary, sensory and pain problems
- Facilitates older adults’ active participation in all aspects of their own health care
- Promotes the desirability of quality end-of-life care for older adults
- Records all care information concisely, accurately and completely, in a timely manner, in the appropriate format and on the appropriate forms