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Ανοιχτές θέσεις στην ActionAid Hellas

H ActionAid είναι μια διεθνής, μη κυβερνητική, αναπτυξιακή οργάνωση. Δουλεύουμε μαζί με περισσότερους από 15 εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους σε 45 χώρες για έναν κόσμο χωρίς φτώχεια κι αδικία.

Αυτήν τη στιγμή, υπάρχουν οι εξής διαθέσιμες θέσεις εργασίας:

EU AID VOLUNTEERS PROJECT “Volunteering in Humanitarian Aid» (VolinHA) (Ref. Code: CSV 2015)


1/ Project Management

 Overview and assessment of current procedures used or recommended by ActionAid Hellas.

 Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the organization, in relation to European standards dictated in the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and certification framework

 Comparative study of procedures and needs with another partner organization. The volunteer will spend between two (2) and four (4) weeks in another European country. This exchange will allow a thorough understanding of two organization’s practices in volunteer and humanitarian aid program management.

 Assist with the organisation, preparation and logistics of project events (ex: all-partner meetings over several days)

 Support the production of a handbook of procedures

 Support ActionAid Hellas staff in the daily management and the communication of the VolinHA project and participate in other activities within other departments in the organization.

2/ Communication

 Help with the animation of the volunteers’ network within the European partner organisations of the project

 Help with promotion and communications activities related to the project (ex: animate ActionAid Hella’s web site and social media)

 Production of mini photo or video documentaries, conducting interviews and drafting articles, in coordination with the project coordinator in Paris

Training: The volunteer will participate in a 4-day common training with other volunteers in early January, 2016, organised by The European Guild in Paris.

The volunteer will be mentored by a member of the staff of ActionAid Hellas.


The purpose of the mission is to participate in the promotion and development of European Volunteer Projects, in particular:

 The implementation of the project «Volunteering in Humanitarian Aid» (VolinHA), which brings together 9 European countries in order to facilitate the exchange of good practice on humanitarian volunteerism.

 The development of the «EU Aid Volunteers» initiative, which supports VolinHA and which foresees the creation of a European humanitarian voluntary corps.

 To contribute to the activities developed within the project and to be of support to the participating European actors.

 Will be part of a European network of volunteers of different nationalities, participating in the initiative in France, Italy, UK, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovenia, and Latvia.


 Period: From 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 (actual starting date 7/1/16)

 Monthly allowance: 613,51 € funded by the State of France and co-financed by the EU

This placement is part of the Civic Service Programme, initiated by the State of France. More information is available in French on this website: http://www.service-civique.gouv.fr/


 Candidates must be between 18 and 25 years (Only candidates born after the 01.01.1990 are eligible)

 Excellent command of the Greek and English Language

 Excellent PC skills (MS office, use of digital media)

 A minimum of one (1) year proven volunteer experience

 Strong communication and organisational skills

 Ability to interact and work within a multi-cultural environment

 A third European language will be considered as an asset

Please email your CV and a motivation letter at: hr.hellas@actionaid.org until the 30th of November 2015, writing the Ref. Code: CSV 2015 in the subject line. Applications without motivation letter will be excluded from the process.

We will be able to contact candidates who are shortlisted for interview. If you do not hear from us within two (2) weeks of the closing date, then unfortunately your application has been unsuccessful. We wish you the best of luck with your job search.

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Υπάλληλος Λογιστηρίου

Η Καπνοβιομηχανία ΚΑΡΕΛΙΑ Α.Ε., η μεγαλύτερη ελληνική Καπνοβιομηχανία, στα πλαίσια της ανάπτυξής της, επιθυμεί να προσλάβει…
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