Ανταλλαγή Νέων στη Δανία ENTERgration of RefuNEETs YE

Το You in Europe σε συνεργασία με τον οργανισμό  “Kurdish Women Union Denmark“ (Kurdisk Kvide Forening – KKF)  της Δανίας, σε προσκαλούν να λάβεις μέρος στην Ανταλλαγή Νέων «ENTERgration of RefuNEETS» που θα διεξαχθεί στη Δανία τον Μάρτιο του 2020.

Το πρόγραμμα χρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και το Erasmus+ και καλύπτει στους συμμετέχοντες διαμονή, διατροφή (3 γεύματα την ημέρα) και τα έξοδα ταξιδίου μέχρι το ποσό των 360 ευρώ.
Κόστος συμμετοχής στην ανταλλαγή 30 ευρώ

Ακολουθούν όλες οι πληροφορίες στα Αγγλικά


As over the past several years, the number of international migrants in the world, especially in Europe has increased dramatically. Often when young people from refugee backgrounds do arrive in Europe, they face a severe lack of social, economic and political opportunities and life choices, making integration into their new homes and new communities difficult.
The active participation of migrants and refugees in civic life, local economies, politics, arts, sports, public institutions, and volunteering can create collective experiences that defeat stereotypes. Involving migrants in shaping their local community can help to demonstrate their positive contributions and to overcome trust barriers.


The “Kurdish Women Union Denmark“ (KKF) works with women, children and young people on especially those who immigrated to Europe in search of improved living standards, joining family members or as asylum seekers and refugees. The
organization was founded in 2007 by a group of strong and motivated women who escaped from war during the 80s and 90s. The organization has created a large community, members can benefit from in terms of language, cooking music, dancing, activities that involve them in the society and improve living standards, and activities that will boost their confidence, their mental state and health in general. KKF focus a lot on social inclusion, and our mission is to break stereotypes and foster solidarity, intercultural awareness. By bringing together young and talented individuals, we wish to share knowledge, establish networks and improve trans-european relations with specific focus on communication.

About the project:

The project «ENTERgration of refuNEETs“ is the youth exchange financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+, which will take place in Brommecentret, Denmark (around 85 km from Copenhagen) in March 16-24, 2020.

The target group for this exchange is 21-30 years old young people. 9 countries will participate in the project, represented by partner organizations from Denmark, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Jordan, Spain, Greece and Turkey.

The main aim of the Youth Exchange is to raise awareness of refugee/migrant issues among young people coming from different cultural, religious, and political backgrounds and to foster community integration of migrants and refugees, as well as tolerance, equality and non-discrimination, to support the inclusion of young people with migrant background.

The objectives of the project:

  • To provide participants the space for sharing refugee/migrant practice of the countries they represent and their personal experience
  • To increase the empathy of the participants towards the refugee/migrant issues
  • To strengthen knowledge of participants on diversity and equality
  • To promote inter-cultural inter-religious dialogue between young people coming from diverse backgrounds
  • Learning to use the Erasmus + programme for further projects

The project objectives will be linked also to specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of youth are the improvement of the level of key competencies and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, in particular through increased learning mobility opportunities for young people, those active in youth work or youth organizations and youth leaders.

Project dates:

Arrival day: March 16, 2020
Departure day: March 24, 2020
Venue: We are going to stay in a big cabin one hour from Copenhagen City and
surrounded by a forest, a small lake and green open spaces.
Besides the necessities, the facilities offer:

  • bonfire
  • indoor fireplace
  • football field + gritty running/jogging tracks
  • wi-fi access
  • big terrace

Important: We are not able to cover the expenses or provide accommodation for you before/ after these dates but we will
encourage you to travel to Denmark a couple of days before/after the activity week in order to get familiar with our country/ culture and see the sights.

Meals: KKF will provide meals. At the same time, the participants will be involved in cleaning and preparation of
activities, as it is a great opportunity to bond with and inspire each other.

Profile of Participants:

  • We invite 5 people from each partner organization (4 participants + 1
    group leader)
  • 2 participants from each country group should have participated in at least
    1 Erasmus plus youth exchanges or trainings.
  • 21-30 years of age (only the group leader can be older)
  • Gender balance is required
  • English speaking abilities is mandatory! – Participants should be able to work in
    groups, share their ideas, give presentations and express themselves.

IMPORTANT: Active participation in all sessions is mandatory.

You are welcome as a PARTICIPANT if you:

  • Have good communication skills in English;
  • Are a representative/new volunteer of project partner organization working to combat
  • Discrimination and intolerance against refugees and migrants in their countries;
  • Have working experience or are interested in working with refugee or migrant integration
  • Are ready to commit to the project for at least 3 months after the end of the project by
    organizing follow-up activities in your home country;
  • Want to gain a new skills and knowledge on the topic

Participants should be aware the fact that they would sleep in rooms with groups up to 7 participants in each room and that they would stay in a scout house, and not a hotel. We really appreciate that partners clarify this for the participants before the final selection (see the venue: http://www.brommecentret.dk/)

Learning methodology:

Please be aware, that it is not training course, it is a youth exchange where we learn from each other! During the project duration, the learning methodology will be based on non-formal education principles such as: role Plays, simulations, table talks, living Library, the theatre, food making workshops, music, dances. We are looking for participants interested/experience in such kind of activities.


  • Men and women sleep separately – no exceptions
  • Sleeping arrangements depends on gender division 4, 6 or 7 in each room
  • Toilets/ bathrooms/ showers are gender separated 4 toilets/5 showers in total
  • REMERBER: Please bring own bath towels, bed linen, sheets and cases. Toiletries and personal items (shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel etc…)
  • KKF will provide pillows and blankets.

Health Insurance:

All the participants MUST have travel insurance covering the entire activity duration. The health insurance for the participants from non-EU countries has to be provided by participants. The participants from EU-countries are kindly asked to use their European healthy insurance card. We strongly advise all of our partners to ensure that their members obtain a Health Insurance.


The organizers will reimburse 100% of participants’ travel costs (with cheapest means of transportation (economy class), no taxi, within limits set by Erasmus+ Programme upon presentation of original tickets, invoices and boarding passes. On all documents, the price, currency, name of the passenger, date of purchase and travel should be clearly visible; otherwise, we will be unable to reimburse the costs. Participants will receive reimbursements by bank transfer after the training and upon sending of return travel documents and international bank details. No exception to this rule will be done.

Please note that participant’s travel costs should not exceed the travel budget limits, which are approved by the Danish National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme and the travel route, and dates should be in accordance to it. If you have problems to stay within the indicated travel limits or if you want to travel two or three days before/after the project and discover Denmark a little bit, please contact the organizers in advance. Please note that the organizers will not reimburse you fully 100% if your travel costs are above the approved budget.

!!! Reimbursement will be done in EUR, regardless of the currency indicated on the ticket and receipt/ invoice. Any tickets purchased in a local currency other than EUR, will then be converted and calculated according to the exchange rate. Commission web-site at: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/inforeuro

Participants that arrive before March 16 or stay after March 24 have to be approved by KKF (so, don’t buy any ticket before our approval). This option will be accepted only if they have same or lower value with the actual travel dates of the Youth Exchange.

During the project we will have several intercultural evenings. We therefore expect each partner organisation to plan a partner/ country specific PowerPoint or other type of presentation (feel free to be creative) in English to show to the rest of the group. Length: 15 minutes MAX. (PLEASE, NO LONG YOUTUBE VIDEOS)
We encourage the participants to present traditional, typical, local dishes; drinks; games; music; dances or whatever you find relevant in order to give the rest of us an “insight tour” of your country, national identity and culture.

IMPORTANT: The preparation must be done in advance and we will not be able to buy presentation items for you, so you need to bring your own.

Εάν σε ενδιαφέρει να πάρεις μέρος σε αυτή την ξεχωριστή ανταλλαγή, δεν έχεις παρά να συμπληρώσεις την αίτηση ενδιαφέροντος στο παρακάτω link μέχρι τις 11 Ιανουαρίου 2020.


Αν έχεις απορίες ή ερωτήσεις διάβασε τον mini οδηγό που έχουμε δημιουργήσει για τα προγράμματά μας εδώ: https://youineurope.gr/kit/ 
Εάν εξακολουθείς να έχεις αναπάντητες απορίες, μη διστάσεις να μας βρεις στο youineurope@gmail.com.

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