51 θέσεις εργασίας στο Γαλλικό Ιντιστούτο Γεωργικών Ερευνών (INRA)

INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research) seeks researchers from all disciplines to reinforce laboratory and fieldwork teams. Researchers will be heavily involved in scientific networks and tackle environmental, economic and social issues. They are expected to strive for excellence and come up with useful, concrete applications for the real world. Individual research projects will go hand in hand with group efforts in a bid to further knowledge and innovation, in order to produce sustainably, preserve the environment, and improve human nutrition.

In 2012, INRA is recruiting through open competitions and offering permanent positions:

51 Junior Research Scientists (CR2)

To be able to apply for a Junior Research Scientist position (CR2), candidates must:
Hold one of the following degrees (article 17 of Decree n°83-1260 of 30 December 1983, modified):
-“Doctorat d’Université” as defined by the Decree of July 5th, 1984
-“Doctorat d’Etat” or “Doctorat de 3ème cycle”
-“Doctorat” from one of the French “Écoles d’Ingénieurs”
-D.E.R.S.O. (diploma in odontology studies and research)
-D.E.R.B.H. (diploma in human biology studies and research)
-university degree from a foreign university, on condition that is judged equivalent to the abovementioned degrees by the competent INRA Specialised Scientific Commission,
show proof of scientific degrees or studies, on condition that they are judged equivalent to the
above-mentioned conditions by the competent INRA Specialised Scientific Commission.

To apply for an equivalence, candidates must:
Fill in the request form for equivalence (demande d’équivalence) (Form 4) in the administrative file
(dossier administratif), which will then be submitted to the appropriate SSC for approval.
IMPORTANT: All candidates with the following qualifications must complete this request form:
– a foreign degree
– a scientific degree or studies other than the required degree
– a degree of doctor in medicine / doctor in pharmacy / veterinary doctor (a request for
equivalence must be submitted based on scientific work experience).
2012 open competitions – Junior Research Scientist

Select the Commission that will review your degree or scientific work or qualification. There are
12 SSCs. Select the SSC relevant to your scientific sphere.
List of the 12 Specialised Scientific Commissions (SSCs)
SSC no. 1: Agronomy, animal husbandry, sylviculture
SSC no. 2: Biology of interactions between hosts, pest, symbionts and commensals
SSC no. 3: Biology of populations and ecosystems
SSC no. 4: Ecophysiology, genetics and plant integrative biology
SSC no. 5: Plant and animal genetics
SSC no. 6: Mathematics, bio-informatics and artificial intelligence
SSC no. 7: Nutrition and toxicology
SSC no. 8: Animal physiology
SSC no. 9: Food and biomaterial sciences, biochemistry
SSC no. 10: Food science, microbiology, food safety and product processing engineering
SSC no. 11: Economics, social and management sciences
SSC no. 12: Earth, water and atmosphere sciences

How to apply

On the day the session of open competitions officially opens, details regarding positions are available on our website: www.international.inra.fr (select “Join Us”). For each open competition, you will find a list of job profiles. The candidate applies for the open competition(s) of his/her choice and indicates in the administrative file (see below) the number(s) of the job profiles he/she has selected in order of preference.

However, the selection board of this competition may select applicants for a position different from the one(s) they have chosen. The jury may audition the candidate in view of the different job profiles open within the
same competition. Thus, the candidate should be aware that the jury may offer him/her a job profile other than the one specifically applied for. It is strongly recommended that applicants contact the person responsible for the position(s) selected
(you will find contact details on each job profile sheet) for further information regarding the choice of competition or job profile would be most suitable and on the research field.

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153 μόνιμες προσλήψεις στο ΔΕΔΔΗΕ

153 μόνιμες προσλήψεις στο ΔΕΔΔΗΕ

Ο ΔΕΔΔΗΕ αναζητά την πρόσληψη 153 ατόμων για μόνιμες θέσεις εργασίας, με σχέση εργασίας Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου Αορίστου Χρόνου Πανεπιστημιακής, Τεχνολογικής…
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