Ερευνητική θέση στον τομέα Online Social Networking technologies

The Laboratory for Internet Computing, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus (LINC-UCY) announces the availability of one Marie Curie Experienced Researcher position in Online Social Networking technologies. The position is for 18 months, starting in late 2012-early 2013.

The fellowship is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) program iSocial, which focuses on the design of distributed and scalable overlay networking and distributed storage infrastructures for open online social networks and for innovative social network applications that preserve end-user privacy and information ownership.

The main objective of the iSocial Initial Training Network is to provide world class training for a next generation of researchers, scientists, and engineers, emphasizing on a strong combination of advanced understanding in both theoretical and experimental approaches, methodologies and tools that are required to develop Decentralized Online Social Networking platforms.

The iSocial ITN is expected to start in 10/2010 and finish in 09/2016. The following institutions participate in the iSocial ITN: Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (prof. S. Haridi); Univ. of Cyprus (prof. M. Dikaiakos); Univ. of Insubria, Italy (prof. E. Ferrari); ICS/FORTH, Greece (prof. E. Markatos); Univ. of Barcelona (prof. M. Boguna); IBM Israel (Dr. E. Dekel); Peerialism, Sweden (Dr. S. El-Ansary), and a number of associated research and industrial partners (IMIS/ATHENA, Greece; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; TELEFONICA TID, Spain; FORTHNET, Greece; FMT Worldwide, Cyprus/Australia; Wadja.com, Cyprus/USA).

Requirements, Eligibility Criteria and Funding: The successful candidate is expected to conduct original research in collaboration with the principal investigators of iSocial at LINC-UCY, and to contribute actively to the activities planned in the context of the ITN (scientific publications, teaching, participation to meetings and events, secondments, preparation of educational material, student advising, project management and coordination, etc.).

We are seeking a candidate who will develop and validate theoretical models for decentralized online social networks using methodologies and tools from the emerging field of Network Science and Complex Networks. We are looking for highly motivated applicants with a Ph.D. in computer science or a related field from a reputable institution, strong analytical and programming skills, proven research record, and excellent knowledge of the English language. Eligible applicants are researchers who, at the time of recruitment are: i) in possession of a doctoral degree, independently of the time taken to acquire it, or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience and ii) have less than five years of full-time equivalent research experience.

Also, eligible applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Cyprus for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of recruitment. Marie Curie fellows enjoy good salaries and working conditions, career development opportunities and work-life balance.

The Marie Curie financial support to Experienced Researchers includes a considerable monthly living and mobility allowance (approx. 45K euros per year) and coverage of expenses related to the participation in research and training activities (contribution to research-related costs, meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).

Applications: To communicate your expression of interest, please send your curriculum vitae, two (2) references and a research statement by email to Dr. George Pallis (gpallis at cs dot ucy dot ac dot cy), specifying the position you wish to be considered for (iSocial-ER5). While expressions of interest are accepted on a continuous basis, applications received by September 30, 2012 will be considered in the first evaluation cycle.

Application Deadline : 30 September 2012

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/en/news/231-marie-curie-experienced-researcher-position-in-computer-science

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