Προκήρυξη θέσης συμβασιούχου υπαλλήλου στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο (CEDEFOP)

Το Ευρωπαϊκό Κέντρο για την Ανάπτυξη της Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης (CEDEFOP) δημοσίευσε την ακόλουθη προκήρυξη σχετικά με τον εφεδρικό πίνακα προσλήψεων για θέσεις συμβασιούχων υπαλλήλων, με στοιχεία:


Προθεσμία υποβολής των αιτήσεων για την ανωτέρω θέση είναι η 27η Σεπτεμβρίου 2012 (15.00 ώρα Ελλάδος)

Η εν λόγω προκήρυξη, καθώς και λεπτομερέστερες οδηγίες για την υποβολή αιτήσεων ανευρίσκονται στην ιστοσελίδα του CEDEFOP (www.cedefop.europa.eu), στην ενότητα «Job Opportunities»).

The job profile

Cedefop is looking for a journalist to produce swiftly English texts on results of Cedefop’s work for different communication channels (press releases, newsletters, blogs and social media postings) that are easily understood by its specific target groups.

Cedefop’s work is guided by its medium-term priorities. The priorities for 2012-14 are:

  • Supporting the modernisation of VET systems
  • Career and transitions – Continuing VET, adult learning and work-based learning
  • Analysing skills and competence needs to inform VET provision
  • Reporting to the Head of Area, the jobholder will work in Area Communication, Information and Dissemination in close cooperation with colleagues working on external communication.


Job tasks and responsibilities

The jobholder will be responsible for the following tasks:

•               Supporting the implementation of Cedefop’s communication policy;

•               Developing and monitoring Cedefop’s media and stakeholder communication plan in close cooperation with the operational areas;

•               Drafting and editing press releases, online news items and articles (newsletters, briefing notes);

•               Drafting news-related content for Cedefop’s web portal and social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs);

•               Monitoring external communication activities, including analysis and regular reporting on outcomes;

•               Maintaining relations with the media, including responses to media enquiries, organising press conferences and arranging interviews of staff    members with the media;

•               Managing Cedefop’s stakeholder contacts;

•               Developing and coordinating promotion material (brochures, posters, online ads) on Cedefop’s activities.

Please note:    It is intended to hold tests and interviews in Thessaloniki, on 19 and 20 November  2012 (subject to change).


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